Pre-Med Advice

Everything you need to know to set your self up for success when applying for medical school.

Pre-Med Anxiety: You’re Not Alone

Pre-Med Anxiety: You're Not Alone

If you’re feeling anxious about your MCAT, grades, or the medical school application process, you’re not alone. Almost every pre-med feels the weight of the process at one time or another.
At least for me, my mind was always on. I was constantly going over what I needed to do to get a better score or build a better resume.
This future-focused mindset is easy to fall into as a pre-med or medical student and often ends up hurting us in the form of anxiety and stress.
This anxiety and stress has been further amplified by the pandemic and the isolation that comes with it.
In this article, I’m going to share what helped me reduce this pre-med anxiety and become more productive.

AAMC VITA: Everything You Need To Know

The 2020 application cycle has thrown us yet another curveball. The AAMC has created a standardized virtual interview platform, AAMC VITA (Video Interview Tool for Admissions), to help facilitate medical school interviews during the pandemic. The AAMC has put out several guides explaining this new platform, but they’re long, redundant, and you don’t have time …

AAMC VITA: Everything You Need To Know Read More »

How Not To Write A Personal Statement

personal statement

Through my experiences working as a recruiter and applying to medical school, I’ve learned the common mistakes people make when writing their personal statements and how it affects your candidacy.
In this article, I highlight these personal statement blunders so that you can avoid them and submit a personal statement / secondary that will impress the selection committee.